Tuesday, January 1, 2013

oh sweet girl. i've started this blog a little later than i intended for you. but it is for a good reason i promise! my first blog posting is on today, january 1st, 2013. so you are about 2.5 months old. i started a blog for riley in her first month of life but i'm behind with you. not because i love you any less though! but because i don't get as much one on one time with you as i did with roo. so anytime that i have free time and riley is napping or down for the nap...i hold you as much as i can. i love on you an snuggle you and try to make you smile. your smile by the way - it's to die for! you smile so much sooner than riley did. but we'll get to that later. that didn't have until you were 2 months old.

so let me begin with your first month of life ( i hope i can remember everything so far).....

we stayed in the hospital until the 20th with you. i wanted to enjoy and soak in every minute alone that i could with being alone with just you. you have been the most sweetest, most happy, most perfect baby from the moment you were born. and that my dear is not an exaggeration in the least bit. even the first night in the hospital they only brought you in to me once during the night for you to eat. i questioned the nurses if that was ok and they said since you were a bigger baby, 8 pounds 3.5 ounces, that you could go longer in between feedings. to this day, 2.5 months later, the most you've ever woken up in the night is twice. kapi makes fun of me because when i say that you've only woken up twice in the night. she teases me because you've woken up around 3 o clock and 7 o clock. she says that isn't the night haha but personally i think anything between 1 am-8 am is definitely the night!

not much happens in the first month of life. you sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. and if any baby is like you...they sleep even more. i would say that in your first month of life you averaged about 20-21 hours of sleep a day. no joke. there hasn't been a single night that you've woken up and wanted to just be held or cried out just to cry out. i've told people that maybe you don't sleep all night long but i have no idea if you don't because you just lay in your bed and don't make a peep.

about two days after you turned two months old you officially melted my heart. you smiled at me and it was the best thing i had ever seen. when you smile your left eye squints a little more than the right and more often than not you do a little half smile. i've tried capturing it on camera multiple times but it never turns out to be as adorable as it is in real life. lauren stiles even claims to have gotten you to giggle one time but she was the only one in the room so who knows! ha just kidding.

you've now started to life your head up a lot more on your own. still a little bobblehead, but definitely getting stronger. to me you are the chunkiest little thing. but i love it! i love every little roll on your body and can't get enough of you. your starting to wear more 3-6 month clothes which kills me because you're not even three months old yet. your eyelashes have started to come in the past couple weeks and they are absolutely gorgeous. your daddy and i have no idea where you have gotten them from because neither of us have lashes like yours.

two days ago, december 30th, 2012 was your baby blessing. we celebrated with friends and family afterwards at bams house with some yummy treats. your daddy gave you a beautiful blessing. these are some of the things that were promised to you in your blessing from him:
-you will know the love of your family. even in sickness & trials.
-you will be able gain a personal testimony.
-you will know that your parents have a testimony
-you will be a light to those who seek the truth of the gospel
-you will live a healthy life
-you will stand for what is right
-heavenly father has prepared a special home for you to grow & strengthen your testimony.
the men that stood in the circle during your blessing were: your daddy, papa, tyson, cort, grandad, grandpa bob, chase, steve, tyler gregory, devan stiles, tyler watson, and i believe that was it! i hope i didn't miss anybody.

your very best friend is riley. she loves you more than you will ever know. i never had a sister but the bond between you two girls in just these two short months is so strong that it could bring me to tears. the first thing riley wants to do when she wakes up is to come see you and give you a kiss on the cheek. she pronounces your name as if it was spelled pie-pah. whenever we get out of the car coming home from somewhere....if i get her out of the car first to carry her inside she says pie-pah over and over until i confirm that i am actually going to go get you out of the car and not leave you there.

the only nicknames you really have right now are pipes and the pipes. and honestly it's only your dad that ever calls you the pipes. he says things like, "are you going to feed the pipes now?" he's a weirdo.

just so i can write it down in case i ever forget....you may wonder where your middle name of jane came from. the entire time during my pregnancy your dad and i could never agree on a name that we liked besides piper. kapi kept insisting over and over that your middle name should be jane. but we said no. then sitting in the hospital filling out the paperwork we were somehow deciding between piper jane perotti and piper maisy perotti (pronounced mayzee). your daddy and i thought that jane sounded better, so there you have it! but if you want you can say that you were named after my aunt tara jane or my cousin laura jane.

well i'm going to see if i can add some pictures from your first two months of life onto here before riley wakes up from her nap and destroys the house. as i type this you are sleeping peacefully right beside me in a little polka dot jean dress with some coral leggings. piper jane. i love you more than you will ever know. i feel like i have gotten to enjoy you so much more as a baby than i got to with riley. maybe it's because i know what i'm doing now or maybe because now i know how quickly time goes and i don't want to miss out on a single thing with you. we are so so so very blessed that you decided to join our family. sometimes as i watch riley play and hold you in my arms i feel content with the idea of just having two little girls in our family. i've always wanted a son and we'll see what time brings. but you my little girl have brought such a feeling of completeness into my life that i am so happy no matter what happens. you mean the world to us. i hope you will know of and understand this love one day. thanks for being you sweet angel.

your mommy

pictures from month 1:

 first bath
 first bath
 kitty cat for halloween @ 13 days old

pics from month 2: